We are delighted to announce grand opening match at the new stadium “Akihiro Kato Stadium”
on 10th Nov 6pm kick off.
🗺Here we write stadium location details.
From Angkor Market road 6 to stadium (Akihiro Kato Stadium) ,
it takes around 15min to 28min depends on speed and traffic.
PassApp Taxis helps you to get 30% ride to Akihiro Kato Stadium.
▼Shared route
1. From Angkor Market I toward turn right Jayavarama VII and turn left.
2. Turn right at Jayavaraman VII roundabout and toward Depot Tela Katy and turn right to small bridge.
3. When you see small bridge turn left to across small bridge then go straight.
4. Go straight and see Sangkat Krabie Riel turn left and go straight. ( there is stadium announcement banner)
5. Go straight and turn right to Borey Angkor Sereymongkol and continue go straight 1km and you see Akihiro Kato Stadium. ( there is stadium announcement banner)
Stadium is over the Borey Angkor Sereymongkol.
This is match details of 10th Nov 2024.
🎫Tickets can buy at the new stadium.
4:15pm : Suzana Concert start
6:00pm : Match kick off
※Tickets price are difference whether include concert. Please check details from Angkor Tiger FC Official Facebook page..
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